New Jersey Genealogy

New Jersey Genealogy

Do you have ancestors that lived in the Garden State? There are New Jersey genealogy records covering nearly 400 years of the state’s history, both online and in archives and libraries.

As a professional genealogist, Holly MacCammon can assist you in finding any available original records pertinent to your New Jersey ancestors on the local, county and state level. If an original record exists, but is not available in digital form, she can provide information and assistance on how to obtain a copy. If she is unable to find an existing record to a specific inquiry, she can provide suggestions on record substitutes that may provide the answers you need to make new family history discoveries or perhaps open up new avenues of research.

New Jersey Research Projects

Holly has assisted clients with building family trees, finding documentation on New Jersey’s first European settlers, and searched documents to verify long-told family stories passed down through the generations.

Cumberland County New Jersey genealogy

Holly’s experience with New Jersey genealogy record collections includes research of Colonial records of some of the state’s first settlers, Revolutionary War era records, and continues up to the early 20th century. Although she has access to a variety of record collections that encompass all of the state’s twenty-one counties, her past projects have specifically involved the New Jersey counties of Middlesex, Salem, Cumberland, Essex and Union.

  • To meet client’s research goals and answer their research questions, Holly has utilized a range of sources including:
    • Published local histories and biographical sketches
    • Published family genealogies
    • Probate records
    • Church records
    • Marriage records
    • Military records
    • Census records
    • Cemetery records

Learn More

Do you need help with your family research? Click the button below to send Holly an e-mail inquiry about your New Jersey ancestors. She can also assist with genealogy research throughout the United States.